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How to Use a Computer without Keyboard

Originally posted 2013-05-07 10:38:05.

Use the Ease of Access Center to use a Computer without Keyboard. Choose the on-screen keyboard to work in this manner.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use a computer without a keyboard. When working on a computer, keyboards play a vital role as they serve as an input device. Follow this step by step guide to learn how to use a computer without the help of a keyboard.

Step 1: Open Control Panel

First of all, click on the start button to access the start menu and from there, open the control panel.

Step 2: Ease of Access

In the control panel window, go to the ‘ease of access’ category and then open the ‘ease of access center’.

Step 3: Use Computer without Keyboard or Mouse

Once you are there, click on the ‘use the computer without a mouse or keyboard’ option. In the new window, check the ‘use on-screen keyboard’ option.

Step 4: On-Screen Keyboard Activated

Once you are done, click on the apply button to save the changes. The on-screen keyboard will appear on your screen. Click on the ok button to exit the window.

In this manner, you can use the computer without using keyboard.

Click on the video below to follow the steps practically…

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