
Da`wah in Qur’an and Sunnah

How does the Qur’an use the term da`wah, and what kind of da`wah does it call Muslims to implem ...


That’s Why We Give Da`wah

Why do we give da`wah? What benefits do we reap? How is it related to related our identity and ...

Find Jesus in the Qur’an Billboard

“Find Jesus in the Qur’an” Billboard Draws Attention

A billboard on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard is raising a few eyebrows. The sign, located just ...

two roads

Da`wah: Benefits for Life and Hereafter

How does da`wah impact my life? And what benefits would it give me after passing away? What wou ...

the Qur’an

Islam: Belief and the Use of Force

Where could peace be in a religion advocating killing and violence? Aren’t there many Qur’anic ...

Evidence from the Qur'an

Islam and Freedom of Belief

Does Islam protect religious freedoms? If yes, why did the Prophet fight non-Muslims? How are M ...

best religion

Who’s to Blame: Islam or Muslims?

If Islam is the best religion, why then are there many bad Muslims? If not their belief, who is ...

After all the effort of planning, helping others, praying, fasting and keeping good intentions, we will reach the last night of Ramadan hoping for the great reward

Islam: Isn’t It Just a Religion?

Since all religions promote and call for good deeds, why should I solely follow Islam? Why Isla ...