
Women’s Role in Da`wah

Are women allowed to give da`wah? What do they do? How can a woman develop her role as a da`iya ...

How Do You Know There Is Life after Death?

How could a rational, practical minded person believe in life after death? Isn’t belief in the ...

Allah’s Books

The Muslim and the Belief in Allah’s Books

What does it mean to believe in Allah’s books? What are these books, and why do we believe in t ...

Dawah: The First Command from Allah to His Prophet

Since the very beginning of Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon him) received the first command f ...

Jesus as the Servant, Messenger and Prophet of God (EDC Video)

The E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) presents this informative video about Jesus as the Servant, Messen ...

Belief in Allah

What Are the Fruits of Belief in Allah?

What is the benefits of belief in Allah? How does believing in Allah impact us? In what ways do ...

Nouman Ali Khan What Is the Very Word of Da`wah Mean

Nouman Ali Khan: What Is the Very Word of Da`wah Mean?

Nouman Ali Khan: what is da`wah? What does the very word literally mean? Not about arguments, p ...

God Allah

Who Do Muslims Worship: God or Allah?

Do Muslims worship God or Allah? Isn’t Allah the God of Muslims? How could we differentiate bet ...

step by step

Where Does Da`wah Begin and End?

After their embracing Islam, how do we, Muslims, embrace the new Muslim into our religion and c ...


Religion and the Questions of Reality & Existence

What is reality? How could man approach the answer to all life uncertainties? How does religion ...

Islamic greeting

The Neglected Value of Greeting

How important is greeting? What moral and social impacts does it have? How do Muslims greet eac ...


The Role of Organizations & Institutions in Da`wah

What are the prerequisites of organized da`wah? Why do we need that type of work? Learn about t ...


Things You Don’t Know about Da`wah

Before giving da`wah or even thinking about da`wah we have to know what da`wah is. Many people ...


Da`wah: Islam’s Virtue and Reminder

God says: “remind, if the Reminder profits”. How is da’wah a virtue of Islam and whom does it b ...


What Is Islam and Who Are Its Followers?

What is Islam and who are its followers (the Muslims)? How do you define yourself as a Muslim? ...