It’s about How You Practice Islam

Before even thinking of calling anyone to Islam ask yourself this: what kind of Muslim you are? ...

The Proof That Islam Is The Truth

The Proof That Islam Is The Truth

Abdurraheem Green embarks on a journey, a journey to take you through a very amazing and intere ...

Why Do We Believe in One God and How Does It Affect One’s Life?

Why Do We Believe in One God and How Does It Affect One’s Life?

learn the effects which the belief in the One God (La ilaha illa Allah; tawheed) has on the lif ...

What Effects Does Tawheed have on the Life of a Man

What Effects Does Tawheed have on the Life of a Man?

learn the effects which the belief in La ilaha illa Allah (tawheed) has on the life of a man an ...


What Is the Purpose of Our Creation?

Man’s worship of God is not automatic like the vast majority of created beings but by his own c ...


Why Do We Follow Islam?

Why do we follow Islam? What makes Islam special? Why is Islam the universal and one true relig ...

What Is the Purpose of Worship

What Is the Purpose of Worship?

What is the purpose of worship? Why should people worship at all? What does worship mean, and w ...

What is Islam?

What is Islam, and How Is It Different from Any Other Religion?

From this word “Islam” it becomes clear that this religion is not the product of any human bein ...

The Prophethood of Muhammad

The Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

It was just such a young, forceful and virile people that was needed to disseminate the teachin ...

Man and the Need for Guidance: Answers to Our Questions

Man and the Need for Guidance: Answers to Our Questions

We human beings are limited in time, and we want some definitive answers to our questions. Wher ...

Religion between Distortion and Rejection (Christianity)

How did man distort religion, and Christianity in particular and for what purpose? What do you ...

Successful Da`i

Qualifications of the Successful Da`i

Da`wah is a lifetime commitment. The Da`i cannot be successful in his da`wah unless he/she live ...


Muslims’ Role in Da`wah

What should we, Muslims, do for millions of people searching for a deeper meaning to their life ...

follow religion

Why Should Someone Follow Islam and Not Any Religion We Please?

Some allow that all religions are legitimate paths to God and are acceptable to Him. So how is ...


Why Do Muslim Women Actually Wear the Hijab?

Islam’s code of modesty extends to all aspects of one’s life, including attire. b, the head-cov ...