the Qur’an

Islam: Belief and the Use of Force

Where could peace be in a religion advocating killing and violence? Aren’t there many Qur’anic ...

Evidence from the Qur'an

Islam and Freedom of Belief

Does Islam protect religious freedoms? If yes, why did the Prophet fight non-Muslims? How are M ...

The Proof That Islam Is The Truth

The Proof That Islam Is The Truth

Abdurraheem Green embarks on a journey, a journey to take you through a very amazing and intere ...

Is There a True Religion?

Is There a True Religion?

Dr. Bilal Phillips discusses the true way of submission and path to God and why every other rel ...

You alone do we worship and from you alone do we seek help. (Al-Fatihah 1:5)

The Message of Islam: The Creator and His Creation

Since the total submission of one's will to Allah represents the essence of worship, the basic ...

Islam and Its Message: How Is It Distinguished from Other Religions?

Islam and Its Message: How Is It Distinguished from Other Religions?

What does Islam mean? How is it opposed to disbelief in God? What is true religion? How does Is ...


What Is the Purpose of Our Creation?

Man’s worship of God is not automatic like the vast majority of created beings but by his own c ...

What Is the Purpose of Worship

What Is the Purpose of Worship?

What is the purpose of worship? Why should people worship at all? What does worship mean, and w ...

Man and the Need for Guidance: Answers to Our Questions

Man and the Need for Guidance: Answers to Our Questions

We human beings are limited in time, and we want some definitive answers to our questions. Wher ...

Religion between Distortion and Rejection (Christianity)

How did man distort religion, and Christianity in particular and for what purpose? What do you ...

Muslims bow down to the Kabah

Why Do Muslims Bow Down to the Ka`bah?

If Islam is against idolism, then why do Muslims bow down to the Ka`bah? Some non-Muslims have ...

Why Hajj and Why to Makkah?

Why should pilgrimage be made to Makkah? What is the significance of some of the rituals perfor ...

follow religion

Why Should Someone Follow Islam and Not Any Religion We Please?

Some allow that all religions are legitimate paths to God and are acceptable to Him. So how is ...

How Do You Know There Is Life after Death?

How could a rational, practical minded person believe in life after death? Isn’t belief in the ...

Islam Is the World’s Fastest Growing Religion

BBC News: Islam Is the World’s Fastest Growing Religion

Islam could overtake Christianity becoming the world's biggest religion by 2070 according to th ...