
How to Wake up before Fajr Prayer Every Day

Do you have a trouble getting up for the Fair Prayer? What about getting up even earlier than t ...

moon behind mosque

Jihad and Da`wah, Is There a Relation?

How is the term jihad used in the Qur’an and what types of jihad are referred to? And what does ...

dawah team_germany

Why Da`wah and Why Non-Muslims?

Da`wah among non-Muslims occupies a very high rank in Islamic good deeds. That’s why you and me ...


Da`wah: The Cause and Results

What approach should be sought to insure I’m delivering the message of God properly, and what d ...


Da`wah: It’s about Consistency and Perseverance

Da`wah is not a one day a week task, and it’s never an easy one. Learn how to stick to your da` ...


Women: Before and after Islam

How did the Romans and Arabs before Islam treat woman? How was woman looked upon and considered ...


The Arabs before and after Islam

How did the Arabs live and behave before the advent of Islam? What did Islam provide for them, ...


Da`wah in Qur’an and Sunnah

How does the Qur’an use the term da`wah, and what kind of da`wah does it call Muslims to implem ...


That’s Why We Give Da`wah

Why do we give da`wah? What benefits do we reap? How is it related to related our identity and ...


Three Religions and One True God: How Come?

Why do Muslims believe that they along with Christians or Jews worship the same God? How come w ...

Find Jesus in the Qur’an Billboard

“Find Jesus in the Qur’an” Billboard Draws Attention

A billboard on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard is raising a few eyebrows. The sign, located just ...

two roads

Da`wah: Benefits for Life and Hereafter

How does da`wah impact my life? And what benefits would it give me after passing away? What wou ...