Muslim Sects

If They Believe in the Same God, Why Are Muslims Divided into Sects?

If all the Muslims believe in the same Allah, follow the same Qur’an, and believe in the same p ...

Life after Death

Why Do Muslims Believe in Life after Death?

Why, as Muslims, do we believe in the life after death? What is our belief in the Hereafter ba ...

Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible

Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) foretold in the Bible? ...

image of the Holy Bible

Have the Writers of the Bible Ever Met or Seen Jesus?

Have the writers of the Bible ever met or seen Jesus? ...

Da`wah in the Age of iPhones (2/2)

The author talked in the first part about the modern and ever-evolving technology and means of ...

What Is the Story of the Red Letter Bible?

What is the story of the Red Letter Bible? ...

peace is our responsibility

Effective Islamic English Cross-cultural Communication Skills EIECCS

By the end of this PowerPoint Da`wah presentation, our dear readers will have acquired the most ...

inviting people to Islam

Giving Da`wah: Obligatory? (2/2)

Why at the present time only very little effort, comparing to the great resources of the Islami ...

dawah tips

Da`wah: Importance & Tips

Who should convey the message of Islam after Prophet Muhammad? Let us watch this video to know ...

Giving Da`wah: Obligatory? (1/2)

Is giving Da`wah obligatory? Who should convey the message of Islam to all people after Prophet ...

What Style of Dress Is Appropriate for Women in Public: a

What Style of Dress Is Appropriate for Women in Public?

From the most to the less conservative hijab, what is the most appropriately outfitted headdres ...