How to Call People to the Unique Oneness of Allah

How to Call People to the Unique Oneness of Allah

The call to Tawheed should address Allah’s unique unity with respect to His lordship and sovere ...

call to the way of Allah

Call to the Way of Your Lord Not to Any Other Way

The path leading to Allah is only one, and it is what He sent His Messengers on and sent His Bo ...

Islam in Women not Women in Islam

In spite of the great propaganda about the status of women in Islam, the rate of women embracin ...

Hijab: A Religious Symbol?

What is Hijab? Why should Muslim women wear the head scarf? Are Muslim women oppressed? Watch t ...

Android Apps for the Student of the Qur'an

5 Easy Android Apps for the Student of the Qur’an

Studying the Qur'an has become so easy nowadays that it’s almost a crime not to utilize these o ...

Allah’s Books

The Muslim and the Belief in Allah’s Books

What does it mean to believe in Allah’s books? What are these books, and why do we believe in t ...

Da`wah and the Power of Effective Speaking

The power of effective speaking is at the heart of da`wah. For the orator, as no book man has e ...

Da`wah at Work: Our Responsibilities Toward Our Co-Workers

How can one give da`wah at work? What kind of da`wah should one give to one’s Muslim co-workers ...

Why Are Some Stories Incomplete or Dispersed in the Qur’an?

Why are some stories are incomplete or are dispersed in different places in the Qur'an. Is the ...

How Do You Know God Exists?

There is no God but Allah (Exalted be He). What can we take from the Qur'an and Sunnah on provi ...

How to Give Da`wah to Muslims (Part 2)

When we approach our fellow Muslims for da`wah, what are the crucial subjects which must be pre ...


How to Give Da`wah to Muslims (Part 1)

What is da`wah to Muslim? Do Muslims need da`wah? Why? Who should give such da`wah, and to who ...

Persuasion skills

What You Need to Learn about Persuasion: Personal Skills

How is it that certain people are so incredibly persuasive? Can we all harness those skills? Ho ...


What You Need to Learn about Persuasion: Basic Principles

How is it that certain people are so incredibly persuasive? Can we all harness those skills? Ho ...

Word of God

How Do We Know the Qur’an Is the Word of God?

Believing in the unseen takes a certain amount of faith and conviction. But no matter how much ...