autumn-falling leaves

How to Cope with Da`wah Undesirable Results

It is natural, in the course of the da`wah, to face hardships and obstacles; but how should suc ...

camel caravans

Who Raided His Enemy’s Trade Caravans?

You simply cannot falsify history; whenever a Quraysh trade caravan passed he would attack it, ...


Women: Before and after Islam

How did the Romans and Arabs before Islam treat woman? How was woman looked upon and considered ...

Islamic Books

The Prophetic Methods of Teaching

Just a look at the example of how the Prophet taught his Companions and early Muslims about Isl ...

Find Jesus in the Qur’an Billboard

“Find Jesus in the Qur’an” Billboard Draws Attention

A billboard on Peachtree Industrial Boulevard is raising a few eyebrows. The sign, located just ...

Arabic Calligraphy_Prophet Muhammad

Our Exemplar: The Man Who Educated Humanity

What does the Prophet’s saying “Seek knowledge form the cradle to the grave” imply? What does t ...