
Doubting What: The Message or the Messenger?

How, in the dark ages 1400 years ago in a benighted region like Arabia, an illiterate Arab trad ...


Trustworthiness: To Be a True Believer & a Real Da`i

What is meaning by amanah or Trustworthiness in Islam? How does it relate to one’s faith in God ...

deep rooted tree

Da`wah through Social Relations

Against ridicule, slander, disrespect for others Islam firmly stands, aiming to promote social ...

Da`wah in the Age of iPhones (2/2)

The author talked in the first part about the modern and ever-evolving technology and means of ...


Global Messenger Day: Share the Message…Show Your Love

How much do you love the Prophet? If you were to reflect on your life, what would be the moment ...


Before Giving Advice…Watch Out For This

Before reaching out and giving advice to others or correcting their mistakes there’s something ...


Instilling Morals and Improving Behavior: The Qur’anic Way

What part did the Qur’an played in correcting Muslims’ mistakes and admonishing behavior at the ...


What Do You Know about Islam, Muslims, and the One God?

What do the followers of Islam share in common, and in what do they believe? Learn about Islam, ...


Begin with Yourself… Muslims & Calumnies

What is calumny? Do you know that calumny is a big sin in Islam? What does the Prophet (peace b ...


Prophet Muhammad’s Communication Skills

We communicate with each other on daily basis, and following Prophet Muhammad’s way of communic ...


Begin with Yourself…Treating Your Wife

In our daily life we strive and do our best to maintain a steady consciousness of God, earn His ...


Spirituality & Productivity: How the Prophet Made the Balance?

Do you see spirituality and productivity a hard-to-reach combination? How do they go together? ...


Making Positive Change the Prophet’s Way

The greatest, most profound change in history happened peacefully. Nevertheless, it was truly d ...

The Prophet’s Da`wah Methodology (Part Two)

This is the second part of a series of articles that deals with the methodology and approach ad ...

A cow urinating

Cow Urine: A Medicine or a Religious Symbol?

Some readers may think that these norms and rituals were prevailing in ancient India and they a ...