What Effects Does Tawheed have on the Life of a Man

What Effects Does Tawheed have on the Life of a Man?

learn the effects which the belief in La ilaha illa Allah (tawheed) has on the life of a man an ...

Da`wah in the Home

Da`wah in the Home: Our Responsibilities Toward the Family

What is meant by da`wah in the home? How can one give da`wah at home? What kind of da`wah shoul ...

Da`wah and the Rules of Organized Programs

Da`wah and the Rules of Organized Programs

With the growth in popularity of dialogues, trialogues, lectures and debates, careful considera ...

follow the road

Da`wah: Why Is the Prophet Our Best Example?

As the Prophet’s methods in dealing with people’s mistakes are wiser and more efficacious, usin ...

Give Da`wah… Learn How to Build the Bridge

Give Da`wah… Learn How to Build the Bridge

The deen (religion) is a product that we need to market.  This marketing is called da`wah. We c ...

Are Muslim Women Oppressed by the Islamic Dress Code?

Are Muslim Women Oppressed by the Islamic Dress Code?

The covering of Muslim women has become one of the international symbols offemale oppression in ...

The Prophethood of Muhammad

The Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

It was just such a young, forceful and virile people that was needed to disseminate the teachin ...

Mistakes Stemming from Ijtihad and Mistakes Done Deliberately

Mistakes Stemming from Ijtihad and Mistakes Done Deliberately

We need to make a distinction between mistakes stemming from an honest effort to find out what ...

The Elderly

The Elderly: A Neglected Area of Da`wah

How Does Islam see the elderly? Why should we give da`wah to them? How can one give da`wah to t ...

Share Your Faith in a Subtle, Yet Relevant Way

Share Your Faith in a Subtle, Yet Relevant Way

View the sample dialogue below and pay particular attention to how our faith can be shared in a ...

Erring out of Ignorance and Erring Despite One’s Knowledge

Erring out of Ignorance and Erring Despite One’s Knowledge

We have to make a distinction between one who errs out of ignorance and one who errs despite hi ...

Muslims bow down to the Kabah

Why Do Muslims Bow Down to the Ka`bah?

If Islam is against idolism, then why do Muslims bow down to the Ka`bah? Some non-Muslims have ...

Why Are Two Women Witnesses Equal to Only One Man’s

Why Are Two Women Witnesses Equal to Only One Man’s?

Why Are Two Women Witnesses Equal to Only One Man’s witness? Isn’t it even stated in the Qur’an ...

Why Do Women Inherit Half

Why Do Women Inherit Half of the Share Given to Men?

In some cases, women inherit half of the share given to men. Why does Islam do injustice to wom ...

Islam uplifted the status of women.

Hijab for Women: Why Discrimination?

Why should Muslim women wear the hijab? Are women inferior to men? What are the women's rights ...