Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait

Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait: The Legend Philanthropist

Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait is the proof that once there were true giants on earth in our tim ...

best religion

Who’s to Blame: Islam or Muslims?

If Islam is the best religion, why then are there many bad Muslims? If not their belief, who is ...

live continually in line with the many positive Islamic values

Islam: Practice What You Preach

How are we related to Islam and its true teachings? How can we create harmony between what our ...

Even during the Prophet’s lifetime, there were disputes.

Students of Knowledge and Controversy

With a great variety of opinions and vast amount of disagreement that exists on most Islamic le ...

Giving Da`wah to Non-Muslims (1/2)

Millions of people around the world are sincerely searching for the truth but have no true guid ...

The Methodology of Da`wah

The Methodology of Da`wah

A lecture given by Sheikh `Abdur-Rahim MacCarthy in a mosque in Qatar about the proper methodol ...

Islamophobia (12): Was Muhammad Megalomaniac?

In Episode 12 of Islamophobia series, Fadel Soliman refutes the misconception that Prophet Muha ...

The Prophet’s Da`wah Methodology (Part One)

This article is one of a series of articles dealing with the methodology and approach adopted b ...

Polyandry: An Islamic Perspective

A lot of people, including some Muslims, question the logic of allowing Muslim men to have more ...

Why Da`wah

Why Da`wah?

A public lecture by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat with questions and answers. In this video, the late She ...

training course

Inviting to Islam: A Training Course

A training course given by Dr. Bilal Philips on how to give Da`wah in an effective and successf ...

No Beer? No Girlfriends? Oppression of Women? Polygamy?

Why can't you drink alcohol? Why can't you have girl friends? Why do you oppress women by makin ...

Polygamy: Wisdom & Mercy

The Qur'an is the only religious book, on the face of this earth, that contains the phrase 'mar ...

Muhammad the Greatest

A lecture by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat on Prophet Muhammad and his widely recognized importance and i ...

Why Do We Believe in One God and How Does It Affect One’s Life?

Why Do We Believe in One God and How Does It Affect One’s Life?

learn the effects which the belief in the One God (La ilaha illa Allah; tawheed) has on the lif ...