
Moses, Jesus, Muhammad: Three Men, One Mission

Did Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad come with the same message? What is the reason behind the differ ...

Why Are Women Not Allowed to Wear Perfume?

Why Are Women Not Allowed to Wear Perfume?

If the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not like bad smells, why is it that women are not allowe ...

How Can All People Be Expected to Believe in Allah?

How Can All People Be Expected to Believe in Allah?

How can all people be expected to believe in Allah given their varying- backgrounds, societies ...

How Do I Stop My Friends or Family from Sinning?

How Do I Stop My Friends or Family from Sinning?

We all care and want the best for our friends and family. Like all humans, they are bound to co ...

Da`wah and Contemporary Challenging Issues: Honor Killings

Da`wah and Contemporary Challenging Issues: Honor Killings

For many Muslims, especially the youth, some contemporary issues are challenging because they g ...

The Trinity: Its Origin, Formulation and History

The Trinity: Its Meaning, Origin and History

By Abdul Malik LeBlanc The Trinity, which I came to know, is not biblical. The word trinity is ...

The Da`i between Being Apologetic and a True Caller to the Message

The Da`i between Being Apologetic and a True Caller to the Message

Many Callers to Islam do not recognize the difference between being pure apologetic that may on ...

How Do I Deal with My Non-Religious Parents?

How Do I Deal with My Non-Religious Parents?

What is a Muslim supposed to do with their non-religious parents? Our advice falls on deaf ears ...

Calling to God with Hikmah and Basirah

Calling to God with Hikmah and Basirah

In the Qur’an Allah asks us to call to His way with hikmah and basirah. What do the words of hi ...

Where Did the Word Christianity Come from

Where Did the Word Christianity Come from?

One of the questions I asked myself as I took an objective (second) look at Christianity was; w ...

Who Are Christians

Who Are Christians and in What Do They Believe?

Who are the Christians? What are their sects? How do they differ from each other? In what do th ...

Watch out for this before Propagating the Message

Watch out for this before Propagating the Message

The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to take into consideration the conditions and the affairs ...

What Happened to the Jews When the Prophet Came to Madinah?

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) came to Madinah, there were Jewish people living there pea ...

What Is the Difference between a Good Bid`ah and a Bad Bid`ah?

What is the difference between a good bid`ah and a bad bid`ah? Sheikh Yasir Qadhi​ sheds some l ...

marry `A'ishah

Why Did The Prophet Marry `A’ishah at Such a Young Age?

The Prophet married his wife, `A'isha, at a young age. Nowadays, getting married at such an age ...