Behind Atonement and Salvation

Where did the Christian concepts of atonement and salvation come from? What does it tell about ...


Salvation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

The E-Da`wah Committee, owned by Al-Najat Charity Society in Kuwait, presents this short video ...

Islamophobia (2): Who Is Kafir (Infidle)?

In Episode 2 of Islamophobia series, Fadel Soliman explains the word kafir (infidel) and its ...

Quest for God_nature

Man’s Quest for God: Between Reason and Heart

In the heart and consciousness of each individual there exists an essential and profound intuit ...

Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible

Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) foretold in the Bible? ...

image of the Holy Bible

Have the Writers of the Bible Ever Met or Seen Jesus?

Have the writers of the Bible ever met or seen Jesus? ...

What Is the Story of the Red Letter Bible?

What is the story of the Red Letter Bible? ...

peace is our responsibility

Effective Islamic English Cross-cultural Communication Skills EIECCS

By the end of this PowerPoint Da`wah presentation, our dear readers will have acquired the most ...

inviting people to Islam

Giving Da`wah: Obligatory? (2/2)

Why at the present time only very little effort, comparing to the great resources of the Islami ...

dawah tips

Da`wah: Importance & Tips

Who should convey the message of Islam after Prophet Muhammad? Let us watch this video to know ...

Giving Da`wah: Obligatory? (1/2)

Is giving Da`wah obligatory? Who should convey the message of Islam to all people after Prophet ...