Logistical Tips

How To Record Islamic Talks (Part 1)

Recording live Islamic khutbahs is pretty common today and has been easy, but how do you get a ...

Planning & Strategy

Effective Study Habits, Achievable Success

I’m pretty aware that I should study but I just don't feel like it! Do you feel overwhelmed wit ...


Five Smart Apps to Manage Your Studies

How do you manage your study material, daily assignments and challenging examinations? How do y ...

Make Your Intention Clear before You Do the Deed

The Lingering Challenge: How to Get Things Done

How often have you intended to learn something, help someone, but failed to do it? I really wan ...

Remove all distractions that are taking your mind off the task at hand, or decreasing your productivity.

How to Develop Concentration, Give Your Best

In an always-on fast life keeping focused is no way easy. How often do we get so hung up, frust ...

The Anti-Procrastination Du`a’

Get Ready for Ramadan: Beat Procrastination

With a precious guest just round the corner, it’s time to learn the keys to beat procrastinatio ...

Time Management

Time Management: It’s Your Choices and Priorities

As we all have the very same time, what does distinguish a person from another in area of time ...

the great reward of fasting

Plan Your Schedule in Ramadan

With the coming of the Holy month of Ramadan, we have many wishes and plans to accomplish durin ...


How to Read More Books and Process Them Deeper

How many books do you read per week? Do you process what you read, and retain more of it? Deve ...


How to Interact with Others & Be More Charismatic

What makes someone charismatic? What do they do differently? How do they interact with others? ...


How to Hold Yourself Accountable for Success

There's key difference between success and failure. Here are four ways to take responsibility f ...


Online Da`wah Webinar: Don’t Miss

Join us for a free webinar on online da`wah and how to give it effectively. The webcast is pres ...

straight path

Da`wah through the Muslim Conduct: Fulfillment of Promise

Fulfillment of promise is a demand of the Islamic faith? Why such conduct is necessary? What ma ...


Trustworthiness: To Be a True Believer & a Real Da`i

What is meaning by amanah or Trustworthiness in Islam? How does it relate to one’s faith in God ...

How to Create a Spiritually Fulfilling Workplace

‘At work we are spiritually disconnected,’ many complain. Is there no place for spirituality at ...