If Islam is the best religion, why then are there many bad Muslims? If not their belief, who is ...
Since all religions promote and call for good deeds, why should I solely follow Islam? Why Isla ...
Why do we follow Islam? What makes Islam special? Why is Islam the universal and one true relig ...
From this word “Islam” it becomes clear that this religion is not the product of any human bein ...
Why Are Two Women Witnesses Equal to Only One Man’s witness? Isn’t it even stated in the Qur’an ...
In some cases, women inherit half of the share given to men. Why does Islam do injustice to wom ...
Why should Muslim women wear the hijab? Are women inferior to men? What are the women's rights ...
Why do Muslim women wear the hijab? Why do they have to? Isn’t Islam subjugate them by prescrib ...
There are some standard questions that people come at you with, and this is definitely one of t ...
Why Do Muslims Torture Animals? Slowly and painfully they kill the animal. Doesn’t this make a ...
Killing animals is a ruthless act. Why then do Muslims consume non-vegetarian food? Why in the ...
Who does Islam allow a Muslim man to marry more than one wife, while prohibiting a woman from h ...
Why has Islam given permission to a man to marry more than one wife? What are the logical reaso ...
Islam in short means peace acquired by submitting oneself to Almighty God. So, how can such pe ...
How do you respond to someone who sees terrorism as an Islamic monopoly, as the synonym for ‘Ho ...