Why do we humans need prayer, fasting, such ritual acts? Can’t I be a devoted believer without ...
Da`wah is not about perfection, it’s about study, practice, and development. Start with yoursel ...
If you have never thought of giving da’wah to yourself before, this is a basic program for expa ...
What is Islam and who are its followers (the Muslims)? How do you define yourself as a Muslim? ...
All of us are capable of making our own small contributions to the cause of Islam; da`wah. But, ...
Why are we here? What are we meant to be and do on earth? From among all creation why was man c ...
Where does the Shari`ah stand in man’s life? How are we, humans, meant to live by its laws? How ...
What duties do we, creatures, owe to God? What are the requirements of being Muslim? What sense ...
If you intend to do something, you have a motive or purpose. How often do you assess your motiv ...
In the video below Dr. Jamal Badawi reflects on some Qur'anic verses commonly misunderstood wh ...
Were prophesies about the coming Prophet revealed in the Bible? What did the Bible exactly fore ...
How to tell the difference between a true religion and a conventional one? Which category does ...
What do you know about the world’s religions? In what do they believe? Are they of the same nat ...
Are the Gospels we know today the same as what was originally revealed to Jesus? Is it the same ...
By religion don’t you mean such set of unrealistic spiritual rules lagging behind science and m ...