huge tree

Allah’s Messengers: Why Do We Believe in Them?

In what messengers do Muslims believe? Why does belief in God’s messengers indicate? Why did Go ...


Global Messenger Day: Share the Message…Show Your Love

How much do you love the Prophet? If you were to reflect on your life, what would be the moment ...


Creation of Man & the Origin of Deviation

Why are we here? What are we meant to be and do on earth? From among all creation why was man c ...

Shari`ah Law

Shari`ah: God’s Law for Man and Whole Life

Where does the Shari`ah stand in man’s life? How are we, humans, meant to live by its laws? How ...


What Do You Know about Islam, Muslims, and the One God?

What do the followers of Islam share in common, and in what do they believe? Learn about Islam, ...

chained hands

Slavery in History before and after Islam (2/2)

Was slavery the product of Islam? What did Islam come to say differently about it? Was there sl ...


Slavery in Islam Vs. Islam and Slavery (Part 1)

‘Slavery in Islam’ is a motto we have often heard. Where does the term slavery come from? Is it ...

moon behind mosque

Jihad and Da`wah, Is There a Relation?

How is the term jihad used in the Qur’an and what types of jihad are referred to? And what does ...

Nader al-nouri

Nader Al-Nouri: A Prominent Leader in Da`wah and Charity Works

This piece of writing sheds some light on the noble life of the late Sheikh Nader Al-Nouri who ...

peace is our responsibility

Effective Islamic English Cross-cultural Communication Skills EIECCS

By the end of this PowerPoint Da`wah presentation, our dear readers will have acquired the most ...

inviting people to Islam

Giving Da`wah: Obligatory? (2/2)

Why at the present time only very little effort, comparing to the great resources of the Islami ...

dawah tips

Da`wah: Importance & Tips

Who should convey the message of Islam after Prophet Muhammad? Let us watch this video to know ...

Giving Da`wah: Obligatory? (1/2)

Is giving Da`wah obligatory? Who should convey the message of Islam to all people after Prophet ...


The Arabs before and after Islam

How did the Arabs live and behave before the advent of Islam? What did Islam provide for them, ...


Da`wah in Qur’an and Sunnah

How does the Qur’an use the term da`wah, and what kind of da`wah does it call Muslims to implem ...