If all religions promote and teach good things, why should I solely follow Islam? Why Islam in ...
Be part of the single biggest da`wah effort in UK history with hundreds of du`aat from across t ...
What does Islam mean? How is it opposed to disbelief in God? What is true religion? How does Is ...
Why do we follow Islam? What makes Islam special? Why is Islam the universal and one true relig ...
From this word “Islam” it becomes clear that this religion is not the product of any human bein ...
The deen (religion) is a product that we need to market. This marketing is called da`wah. We c ...
Why did God choose a savage land as Arabia to be the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad, and accord ...
The E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) presents this informative video about Jesus as the Servant, Messen ...
Of the most common questions by non- Muslims is: why do Muslims call non-Muslims kafir? Isn’t t ...
If Islam is a good religion, than why do we find that most of the terrorists are Muslims, most ...
If all the religions teach good things, why should a person follow Islam only? Can he/she not f ...
If all the Muslims believe in the same Allah, follow the same Qur’an, and believe in the same p ...
Why, as Muslims, do we believe in the life after death? What is our belief in the Hereafter ba ...
The Islamic view of Jesus is one between two extremes. How do Muslims see Jesus? How was he bor ...
In what sense is Prophet Muhammad a revolutionary, even the greatest ever? Why, in the whole of ...