moon behind mosque

Jihad and Da`wah, Is There a Relation?

How is the term jihad used in the Qur’an and what types of jihad are referred to? And what does ...

Your Pocket Guide to Giving Da`wah

This iERA booklet serves as a beginner’s tool kit to understanding the importance of da`wah and ...


Da`wah in Qur’an and Sunnah

How does the Qur’an use the term da`wah, and what kind of da`wah does it call Muslims to implem ...

Why are we here, and what purpose does life have?

We Are Here for a Purpose

As long as we know why we were created and be aware of it, we will naturally get involved in da ...

Da`wah: Repelling Evil with Good

To believe in the Oneness of God, be on His path, act on His orders and invite people to Him… t ...