
Why Arabia for the Last Prophet?

Why did God choose a savage land as Arabia to be the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad, and accord ...

Muslims bow down to the Kabah

Why Do Muslims Bow Down to the Ka`bah?

If Islam is against idolism, then why do Muslims bow down to the Ka`bah? Some non-Muslims have ...

Why Hajj and Why to Makkah?

Why should pilgrimage be made to Makkah? What is the significance of some of the rituals perfor ...

makkah madinah

Why Are Non-Muslims Not Allowed in Makkah and Madinah?

If Islam is a universal religion, then why aren’t non-Muslims allowed to enter the cities of Ma ...

The Ka`bah: Manifestation of Monotheism or Idolatry

The people of the pre-Islamic era of ignorance added some pagan rites to Hajj such as circumamb ...


Pilgrimage: The Journey of Different Religions

Besides Islam, is there pilgrimage in other religions? How do adherents of various faiths witne ...