Inspiring history-nature

Giving Da`wah: Inspiring Examples from History

How did our ancestors give da`wah? Where has it reached today? How do we develop da`wah, restor ...

World Cup: Great Da`wah Work & another Two Shahadahs

Before World Cup Brazil match between Cameroon and Brazil on Monday, June 23rd another match fo ...

Brother Cesar Gives Da`wah

At World Cup: After Becoming Muslim Cesar Gives Da`wah

After accepting Islam, Cesar begins inviting people to the truth he found in Brazil at the Worl ...

Sheikh Abdur Raheem Green

Mission Dawah Online Training (2/6)

Through this episode of Mission Dawah learn from Sheikh Abdur Raheem Green how to reach agreeme ...

dawah team_germany

Why Da`wah and Why Non-Muslims?

Da`wah among non-Muslims occupies a very high rank in Islamic good deeds. That’s why you and me ...

steps in desert

Get Introduced to Da`wah: Kuwaiti-European Convention for New Muslims

During the first Kuwaiti-European Convention for New Muslims held in Kuwait Islam was wholehear ...

tree bears fruit

Personalized Da`wah: The Role and Methods

Personalized da`wah from small groups and individuals can be very effective way of delivering t ...

autumn-falling leaves

How to Cope with Da`wah Undesirable Results

It is natural, in the course of the da`wah, to face hardships and obstacles; but how should suc ...


Da`wah: It’s about Consistency and Perseverance

Da`wah is not a one day a week task, and it’s never an easy one. Learn how to stick to your da` ...

Your Pocket Guide to Giving Da`wah

This iERA booklet serves as a beginner’s tool kit to understanding the importance of da`wah and ...


Da`wah in Qur’an and Sunnah

How does the Qur’an use the term da`wah, and what kind of da`wah does it call Muslims to implem ...

Islamic Books

The Prophetic Methods of Teaching

Just a look at the example of how the Prophet taught his Companions and early Muslims about Isl ...


That’s Why We Give Da`wah

Why do we give da`wah? What benefits do we reap? How is it related to related our identity and ...

two roads

Da`wah: Benefits for Life and Hereafter

How does da`wah impact my life? And what benefits would it give me after passing away? What wou ...

Arabic Calligraphy_Prophet Muhammad

Our Exemplar: The Man Who Educated Humanity

What does the Prophet’s saying “Seek knowledge form the cradle to the grave” imply? What does t ...