
Do Non-Muslim Minorities Have Rights in Islam?

The true Shari`ah-ruled Islamic state is something which is more likely to seem desirable in th ...

The Ka`bah: Manifestation of Monotheism or Idolatry

The people of the pre-Islamic era of ignorance added some pagan rites to Hajj such as circumamb ...

image of the Holy Bible

Have the Writers of the Bible Ever Met or Seen Jesus?

Have the writers of the Bible ever met or seen Jesus? ...

How to Talk to Us about Islam (Part 4)

Many Muslims in non-Muslim environments face a dilemma when someone asks them to explain Islam ...

The Prophet’s Da`wah Methodology (Part Two)

This is the second part of a series of articles that deals with the methodology and approach ad ...

Russell Crowe

Noah: Between Russell Crowe, Biblical Noah and Qur’anic Noah

While we can find the story of Prophet Noah once in the Bible (Genesis 5:32-10:1), we can read ...