Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait

Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait: The Legend Philanthropist

Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait is the proof that once there were true giants on earth in our tim ...

best religion

Who’s to Blame: Islam or Muslims?

If Islam is the best religion, why then are there many bad Muslims? If not their belief, who is ...

How to Avoid Useless Conversations and Idle Talks

How to Avoid Useless Conversations and Idle Talks

The true Muslim should avoid wasting his time in useless conversations and idle talks, and inve ...

Polytheism: The Worst Sin in the Sight of Allah

Polytheism: The Worst Sin in the Sight of Allah

Polytheism or ascribing partners to Allah nullifies faith in the Oneness of Allah. Besides, it ...

Before Beginning Your Da`wah, Choose Your Approach

Before Beginning Your Da`wah, Choose Your Approach

After reading the situation carefully and correctly, you must now choose the subject. What are ...

How to Effectively Convey the Message Characteristics of the Da`i

How to Effectively Convey the Message: Characteristics of the Da`i

The individual who as accepted the duty of calling others to Allah must possess certain charact ...

How Can We Be Sure What the Prophet Recorded Was Accurate?

Everything the Companions recorded was through the Prophet, who was was unable to read or write ...

What is Islam?

What is Islam, and How Is It Different from Any Other Religion?

From this word “Islam” it becomes clear that this religion is not the product of any human bein ...

Are Muslim Women Oppressed by the Islamic Dress Code?

Are Muslim Women Oppressed by the Islamic Dress Code?

The covering of Muslim women has become one of the international symbols offemale oppression in ...

The Prophethood of Muhammad

The Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

It was just such a young, forceful and virile people that was needed to disseminate the teachin ...

Before Beginning Your Da`wah, Read the Situation

Before Beginning Your Da`wah, Read the Situation

When you find yourself in a situation, you have to read that situation in a way similar to the ...

Prophet’s Moral Teachings

For an Ideal Personality: The Prophet’s Moral Teachings

How has Islam called upon the people to adopt good moral character? What do the Prophet’s moral ...

mosque dome

Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam

What rights does Islam set for non-Muslims? Are they given any under Islam? How does Islam see ...

Practicing Islam is a Form of Da`wah

Practicing Islam Is a Form of Da`wah

Actions speak louder than words. Your good actions is a one of the most fruitful means of da`wa ...

Divorce in Islam

Divorce is Easy in Islam, Right?

It is generally held that divorce in Islam is very easy; a man only has to say to his wife: “Yo ...