We must respect all the great scholars of Islam, including the four Imams

Islam, Sects and Different Schools of Thought

Why do you Muslims have all these sects and schools of thought? What does Islam say about these ...

Remove all distractions that are taking your mind off the task at hand, or decreasing your productivity.

How to Develop Concentration, Give Your Best

In an always-on fast life keeping focused is no way easy. How often do we get so hung up, frust ...

Don’t Let Your Inbox Nag You All Day

Manage Your Work: Zero out Your Inbox

When was the last time your email looked a mess with lots of info, data nagging you all day? Ho ...


Does God Exist? Choose One Option

How could we know that there’s only One Creator to the universe? Should be there a Creator at a ...

EDC Launches the First Da`wah Application

EDC Launches the First Da`wah Application

With us, make Da`wah an everyday-activity, live on the track of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (p ...

Proof from the Qur’an

I’m Proud to be a Fundamentalist

Why are some individuals termed ‘fundamentalist’, and are they the terrorists? What do they hav ...

Time management 101 is to make a to-do list.

How to Execute Your To-do List, Get Tasks Done

Have to hurry and finish soon or you will fall behind schedule! How many times have you fell be ...

Why Islam, Not Any Other Religion?

If all religions promote and teach good things, why should I solely follow Islam? Why Islam in ...

How to Convey the Message

Calling to God is not a random act. So, how well do you fulfill this great responsibility? Whet ...

Equality of Witnesses

Are women inferior to men in Islam? Does the witness of one male always equal the witness of tw ...

Get Started with Livemocha

What’s Livemocha? What do you know about it? Livemocha is the largest language learning communi ...

How to Answer Non-Muslims’ Questions

What sorts of questions might be asked about Islam, and for what purpose? How could we dictate ...

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the End of Days (2/3)

In what do the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe and why has their belief system changed over time? W ...

Of course working hard, coupled with good intentions, is the key to being a productive Muslim

What Islam Teaches about Efficiency

How often do we get burdened with multiple pressing tasks? Then how important is time in Islam? ...

The Jehovah’s Witnesses: A Flawed Basic Concept (3/3)

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in Christianity as it ’is today? Are they Christians? Is their b ...