Why Is It Forbidden to Eat Pork?

Why are we, Muslims, not allowed to eat pork? Why are the restrictions? What’s the difference b ...

Islamic (Ruthless) Method of Slaughtering Animals

Why do we, Muslims, slaughter the animal that way; cutting the throat instead of doing it with ...

Why Muslims Eat Non-vegetarian Food

What is the link between being Muslim and eating non-vegetarian food? And what does that has to ...

Why Do Muslims Worship the Ka`bah?

Facing it Muslims pray and (bow down) five times a day. Moreover, once the Muslim reaches it in ...

This life is a test for the hereafter

The Hereafter: A Logical or a Blind Belief?

How could you prove there’s a hereafter and be sure of it, and please tell me about something l ...

We must respect all the great scholars of Islam, including the four Imams

Islam, Sects and Different Schools of Thought

Why do you Muslims have all these sects and schools of thought? What does Islam say about these ...

Proof from the Qur’an

I’m Proud to be a Fundamentalist

Why are some individuals termed ‘fundamentalist’, and are they the terrorists? What do they hav ...

Why Does Islam Prohibit Drinking Alcohol?

Alcohol is known to be extremely harmful, but still why is it forbidden in Islam? Isn’t it an i ...