This life is a test for the hereafter

The Hereafter: A Logical or a Blind Belief?

How could you prove there’s a hereafter and be sure of it, and please tell me about something l ...

Why Do We Believe in One God and How Does It Affect One’s Life?

Why Do We Believe in One God and How Does It Affect One’s Life?

learn the effects which the belief in the One God (La ilaha illa Allah; tawheed) has on the lif ...

You alone do we worship and from you alone do we seek help. (Al-Fatihah 1:5)

The Message of Islam: The Creator and His Creation

Since the total submission of one's will to Allah represents the essence of worship, the basic ...

What Effects Does Tawheed have on the Life of a Man

What Effects Does Tawheed have on the Life of a Man?

learn the effects which the belief in La ilaha illa Allah (tawheed) has on the life of a man an ...

Resurrection-The Dialogue between Ibrahim and Nimrod

Resurrection: The Qur’anic Dialogue between Ibrahim and Nimrod

Learn how Prophet Ibrahim talked to the arrogant king in such a logical wise manner that he cou ...

How Can We Be Sure What the Prophet Recorded Was Accurate?

Everything the Companions recorded was through the Prophet, who was was unable to read or write ...

Are Muslim Women Oppressed by the Islamic Dress Code?

Are Muslim Women Oppressed by the Islamic Dress Code?

The covering of Muslim women has become one of the international symbols offemale oppression in ...

Life after Death- The Dialogue between Allah and `Uzair.

Life after Death: The Dialogue between Allah and `Uzair

the One who is able to give life to the dead is able to make them rise on the Day of Judgment. ...

Prophet’s Moral Teachings

For an Ideal Personality: The Prophet’s Moral Teachings

How has Islam called upon the people to adopt good moral character? What do the Prophet’s moral ...

Why Hajj and Why to Makkah?

Why should pilgrimage be made to Makkah? What is the significance of some of the rituals perfor ...


Muslims’ Role in Da`wah

What should we, Muslims, do for millions of people searching for a deeper meaning to their life ...

picture with facts about Muslim women

Women Before and After Islam: Factual Record

How did the Romans and Arabs before Islam treat woman? How was woman looked upon and considered ...

How Do You Know There Is Life after Death?

How could a rational, practical minded person believe in life after death? Isn’t belief in the ...

Allah the All-Merciful

Why Does Allah Punish People If He’s All-Merciful?

Allah (Exalted be He) is indeed the All-Merciful. It is one of His numerous attributes. So, why ...

Jesus as the Servant, Messenger and Prophet of God (EDC Video)

The E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) presents this informative video about Jesus as the Servant, Messen ...