Advising the people around us is a good thing to do. However, there are certain guidelines our ...
In the Qur’an Allah asks us to call to His way with hikmah and basirah. What do the words of hi ...
It is generally held that divorce in Islam is very easy; a man only has to say to his wife: “Yo ...
What is most important regarding those being called to Islam is that the message should be crys ...
In this Video Nouman Ali Khan talks about how to give da`wah properly to people. First of all y ...
Muslims are often accused of being promiscuous because polygamy is legal in Islam. Did Islam in ...
A lot of us complain, they are Muslim and they want to be successful but they’re persecuted for ...
The call to Tawheed should address Allah’s unique unity with respect to His lordship and sovere ...
The path leading to Allah is only one, and it is what He sent His Messengers on and sent His Bo ...
One of the questions I asked myself as I took an objective (second) look at Christianity was; w ...
Who are the Christians? What are their sects? How do they differ from each other? In what do th ...
The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to take into consideration the conditions and the affairs ...
Da`wah is not just talks and speeches; it is a warm invitation through beautiful actions. It is ...
Why Are Two Women Witnesses Equal to Only One Man’s witness? Isn’t it even stated in the Qur’an ...
In some cases, women inherit half of the share given to men. Why does Islam do injustice to wom ...