
Does God Exist? Choose One Option

How could we know that there’s only One Creator to the universe? Should be there a Creator at a ...

Da`wah: Every Muslim’s Obligation

How many non-Muslims have you talked to about Islam? What effort have you ever made to clear up ...

How to Give Da`wah to Christians

If you want to know how to give Da`wah to Christians, watch this presentation by Dr. Sabeel Ahm ...

training course

Inviting to Islam: A Training Course

A training course given by Dr. Bilal Philips on how to give Da`wah in an effective and successf ...

Muslims bow down to the Kabah

Why Do Muslims Bow Down to the Ka`bah?

If Islam is against idolism, then why do Muslims bow down to the Ka`bah? Some non-Muslims have ...

Why Are Two Women Witnesses Equal to Only One Man’s

Why Are Two Women Witnesses Equal to Only One Man’s?

Why Are Two Women Witnesses Equal to Only One Man’s witness? Isn’t it even stated in the Qur’an ...

Why Do Women Inherit Half

Why Do Women Inherit Half of the Share Given to Men?

In some cases, women inherit half of the share given to men. Why does Islam do injustice to wom ...


Why Does Islam Subjugate Woman by Keeping in Hijab?

Why do Muslim women wear the hijab? Why do they have to? Isn’t Islam subjugate them by prescrib ...

How to Deal with Someone Who Has a Strange Interpretation of Islam?

There a great number of innocent Muslims who may not even know what they are doing isn't correc ...

If Islam Wasn’t Spread by the Sword, Why So Many Battles?

There are some standard questions that people come at you with, and this is definitely one of t ...


Why Do Muslims Abuse Non-Muslims by Calling Them Kafir?

Of the most common questions by non- Muslims is: why do Muslims call non-Muslims kafir? Isn’t t ...

Islam Best Religion

If Islam Is the Best Religion, Why Are Many of the Muslims the Worst?

If Islam is a good religion, than why do we find that most of the terrorists are Muslims, most ...

If All Religions Teach Good Things, Why Should I Only Follow Islam?

If All Religions Teach Good Things, Why Should I Follow Islam Only?

If all the religions teach good things, why should a person follow Islam only? Can he/she not f ...

Muslim Sects

If They Believe in the Same God, Why Are Muslims Divided into Sects?

If all the Muslims believe in the same Allah, follow the same Qur’an, and believe in the same p ...

Life after Death

Why Do Muslims Believe in Life after Death?

Why, as Muslims, do we believe in the life after death? What is our belief in the Hereafter ba ...