
Why Do Muslim Women Actually Wear the Hijab?

Islam’s code of modesty extends to all aspects of one’s life, including attire. b, the head-cov ...

Jesus as the Servant, Messenger and Prophet of God (EDC Video)

The E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) presents this informative video about Jesus as the Servant, Messen ...

Nouman Ali Khan What Is the Very Word of Da`wah Mean

Nouman Ali Khan: What Is the Very Word of Da`wah Mean?

Nouman Ali Khan: what is da`wah? What does the very word literally mean? Not about arguments, p ...

Who Invented the Trinity? (Part 2)

How did the concept ‘Trinity’ come to pass in Christianity and how was it formalized? What do t ...

Who Invented the Trinity? (Part 1)

Do you know how the concept ‘Trinity’ was formed into belief and how it was popularized? Histor ...