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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

Know Your Worth…Build Your Self-Esteem, -Acceptance

Originally posted 2013-03-28 09:36:48.

It is a fact that your thoughts about yourself, your value and your significance determine your heath; physical and mental, your performance, attitudes towards life in general, and every single aspect of your life.

Your own level of self-acceptance is largely determined by how much you’re valued, and therefore feel accepted by people close to you.

One’s self acceptance is the basis of their self esteem which measures all one’s personal characteristics.

As one’s personality begins to form early in childhood, does it stay that way till the end of one’s life?

Is it out of my hand to change the way I am, and get rid of the negative aspects in my personality and performance?

No, you are capable of, and must, master your self-acceptance in order to recognize your worth, love and appreciate yourself, achieve your full potential in life.

Here, you’ll learn the 4 steps for building self esteem, and reaching full self acceptance, which once you do, you’ll become a happier and more self-confident person…

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