Originally posted 2013-04-22 09:26:01.
Want to be a successful person? Want to have a rich productive life, achieve your goals, and be on the track?
Who doesn’t?
The answer lies here: ‘What do you yo with the golden hours of the day?’
Firstly, you have to set your intentions every single day. Just get early on the track, seize the power of your day, and learn how to manage it…
The very first hours are the ladder of the day. They are called the golden hours; they just sit the tone for everything that happens for the rest of the day. Every morning, you have a fast-track gift.
Thus, being the key to your entire day, you cannot take them casually.
You can practice to prepare your mind to productively and successfully tackle the rest of the day, and consequently your whole life.
Click on the video here and learn beneficial morning rituals that can prepare your mind and body for everything you have planned for your day.