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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

How Do I Deal with My Non-Religious Parents?

There comes a time in life where Allah opens the gates of success and knowledge for us all. We journey on gaining and practicing knowledge about this beautiful religion of Allah. Our days are spent under the shades of iman, we relax experiencing the winds of tawakkul (putting one’s trust in Allah) and our happiness lies in repentance and humility to Allah. Most of us take this journey alone and at home, we experience clashes with our non-religious parents.

What is a Muslim supposed to do in this scenario? Our advice falls on deaf ears, our constant reminders fail and our actions do not guide them.

What treatment does Allah expect from us when it comes to parents who do not practice Islam entirely or at the level we do?

Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim answers….


Source: Faith IQ

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