Originally posted 2013-03-07 06:38:19.
Okay, now that you have that video that you really want to promote and get more video views but you don’t know how to do it. Well today, I’m going to show you six things that are super easy to get those video views on YouTube.
The Number one fundamental principle. You need to have people find the video then, they need to view it and they need to share it. Now that’s pretty simple, right? Well, guess what? People struggle with that all the time. Now I’m going to give you the steps that you need to do to accomplish these three principles and you can be successful in marketing that video.
How to Get More Views on YouTube – Six Steps
Step 1: Search for the best title to use for your video. Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool https://adwords.google.com/o/KeywordTool to find the keyword phrase that will get the most views. Second thing, use Google insights for search to figure out the demographics and trends. http://www.google.com/trends/
Step 2: Making a Great Description for that YouTube Video. The call to action should be at the top. This call to action will be seen in Google. So it’s very important that we have that URL and also use the key phrase close to the top of the video. Then make that description like a blog post. This is really important to get more view on YouTube.
Step 3: We want to transcribe that video. To get more views on the Youtube Video you need it to be found in the search engine on YouTube, google and others. With using the transcription, you make it easier for search engines to know what content is being said in the video. This is very important for search. And also this is a great technique if you go ahead and use that transcription, if you are having a hard time coming up with ideas, for your description, go ahead and use the transcription in the description.
Step 4: Customize that thumbnail baby. You know it’s important to get the right image because that image will cause people to click. Now if you don’t know how to customize the thumbnail then look in the description below and I actually have a link to a video that I created and I show you from start to finish on how to customize that thumbnail.
Step 5: Putting in those annotations in the video. You can click on that and it will actually take you to another video. At the end of the video you want to be able to have a place where you can showcase some videos and do something funny here or whatever and have your subscribe link. This gets subscribers on that YouTube Channel. The more subscribers that you have the more video views you have. Because once you introduce, people get notified that there is a video out and the views go up. It just gets easier and easier to get those views.
Step 6: Have great content that will engage the viewer. This is extremely important and it doesn’t matter what tipe of video it is that you’re doing, if it’s music, what we want to do is to have it be stunning music with great videography, or if it’s an informational video, we want to make sure it has great information that’s there. What we want to do is to get people to engage, give thumbs up, thumbs down, to share also to comment. And the great thing is once you have a great video that has great content, it doesn’t matter what it is, it will apply to a certain market. And when it’s good, you’ll get those video views on YouTube.
If you’re really serious about getting more views on that video, I’ve personally put together a special 30 minute free video that you really need to watch. Now in that video, I cover advanced video ranking strategies, how to get your video found in Google, and other search engines, even how to convert that video into dollars making you money on YouTube.