Originally posted 2013-06-17 08:51:57.
It’s very useful to learn how to use online sticky notes which can be a good way to take notes.
Follow these simple steps…
Step 1: Creating an Account
First you are going to need to go to a website that allows you to create sticky notes. One of the best is Listhings so visit the site at ‘www.listhings.com’. You will need to create an account which is very easy, simply enter your email address and a password then click the ‘Start taking notes’ button.
Step 2: Editing and Deleting Notes
A page with a corkboard background will load and there will be some sticky notes already on it. These are sample ones that explain how to use the program. To edit one of these notes simply click in it and start typing. To delete the note simple mouse over it and click the cross in the top right corner and in the dialog box that appears click ‘OK’.
Step 3: Moving and Adding Notes
To move a sticky note simple click on the corkboard background then click and hold on the note you want to move and drag it to the desired location. If you want to add something new to the corkboard click the plus icon in the top right and in the menu select what you want to add- here we are adding some text. That’s pretty much it and you now know how to create online sticky notes.
In this tutorial you are going to learn step by step…