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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Muhammad the Greatest

Muhammad the Greatest

A lecture by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat on Prophet Muhammad and his widely recognized importance and i ...

Da`wah in the U.K

Da`wah in the U.K

A lecture by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat on how to give Da`wah and deal with anti-Islam plots. Watch th ...

Prophet Muhammad: Mission and Model

Prophet Muhammad: Mission and Model

How did the prophet spread the message of Islam in Arabia and far beyond? What stages did his d ...

Prophet Muhammad: A Journey of Da`wah

Prophet Muhammad: A Journey of Da`wah

Like all the previous prophets, Prophet Muhammad tried to found a believing nation from amongst ...

Mohamed Salah: Inspiring Example of Da`wah

Mohamed Salah: Inspiring Example of Da`wah

A lot of us complain, they are Muslim and they want to be successful but they’re persecuted for ...

“Love a Muslim Day”: Muslims’ Response to Hatred and Racism

“Love a Muslim Day”: Muslims’ Response to Hatred and Racism

"As a Muslim, we're always wanting to bring people together and love everyone regardless of the ...

Lessons from Prophet Noah: His Educational Dialogue with His People

Lessons from Prophet Noah: His Educational Dialogue with His People

To recognize the real suffering and hard task Prophet Noah experienced during his call and miss ...

Women: Neglected Assets in Da`wah (Part 1)

Women: Neglected Assets in Da`wah (Part 1)

Da`wah amongst women deserves, and should get, far more attention than it does. So far, except ...

Prophet Muhammad’s Da`wah: A Lifelong Mission

Prophet Muhammad’s Da`wah: A Lifelong Mission

Like all the previous prophets, Prophet Muhammad tried to found a believing nation from amongst ...

iERA Da`wah Training Course: Convey the Call & Take Care of New Muslims

iERA Da`wah Training Course: Convey the Call & Take Care of New Muslims

Learn how to convey the call of Islam and take care of new Muslims with Hamza Tzortzis this Chr ...

Brazilian Muslims Introduce Islam in Rio Olympics

Brazilian Muslims Introduce Islam in Rio Olympics

RIO DE JANEIRO – Welcoming hundreds of thousands of visitors from across the world, Muslim dawa ...

Global Da`wah Day: Register NOW

Global Da`wah Day: Register NOW

The iERA is organizing a global da`wah day in all 204 countries on 20th August, 2016. ...

Online Da`wah Webinar: Don’t Miss

Online Da`wah Webinar: Don’t Miss

Join us for a free webinar on online da`wah and how to give it effectively. The webcast is pres ...

Muaddhin: A Historic Journey Across America

Muaddhin: A Historic Journey Across America

In efforts to show the beauty of Islam, vibrance of Muslims, and the amazing work Muslim commun ...

Global Messenger Day: Share the Message…Show Your Love

Global Messenger Day: Share the Message…Show Your Love

How much do you love the Prophet? If you were to reflect on your life, what would be the moment ...