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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
I’m Proud to be a Fundamentalist

I’m Proud to be a Fundamentalist

Why are some individuals termed ‘fundamentalist’, and are they the terrorists? What do they hav ...

Why Islam, Not Any Other Religion?

Why Islam, Not Any Other Religion?

If all religions promote and teach good things, why should I solely follow Islam? Why Islam in ...

Equality of Witnesses

Equality of Witnesses

Are women inferior to men in Islam? Does the witness of one male always equal the witness of tw ...

Why Does Islam Prohibit Drinking Alcohol?

Why Does Islam Prohibit Drinking Alcohol?

Alcohol is known to be extremely harmful, but still why is it forbidden in Islam? Isn’t it an i ...

Why Is It Forbidden to Eat Pork?

Why Is It Forbidden to Eat Pork?

Why are we, Muslims, not allowed to eat pork? Why are the restrictions? What’s the difference b ...

Islamic (Ruthless) Method of Slaughtering Animals

Islamic (Ruthless) Method of Slaughtering Animals

Why do we, Muslims, slaughter the animal that way; cutting the throat instead of doing it with ...

Why Muslims Eat Non-vegetarian Food

Why Muslims Eat Non-vegetarian Food

What is the link between being Muslim and eating non-vegetarian food? And what does that has to ...

Why Did `Uthman Burn the Qur’an?

Why Did `Uthman Burn the Qur’an?

Watch Sheikh Yasir Qadhi explaining the historical compilation of the Qur'an by the 3rd Caliph ...

Islamophobia (7): Does God Exist?

Islamophobia (7): Does God Exist?

In Episode 7 of Islamophobia series, Fadel Soliman discusses the issue of God's existence. ...

Is Religious Fundamentalism Blocking Freedom of Expression?

Is Religious Fundamentalism Blocking Freedom of Expression?

A debate between three speakers representing Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism on whether relig ...

Muslims in Church

Muslims in Church

Here, Muslims and Christians come together at a church to understand each others religions and ...

Islamophobia (13): Dealing with Non-Muslims

Islamophobia (13): Dealing with Non-Muslims

In Episode 13 of Islamophobia series, Fadel Soliman explains Islam's stance on dealing with non ...

Jewish-Muslim Relations: The Qur’anic View (2/5)

Jewish-Muslim Relations: The Qur’anic View (2/5)

This is the second part of the series. The author focuses here on the Jewish-Muslim history, Mu ...

Islamophobia (12): Was Muhammad Megalomaniac?

Islamophobia (12): Was Muhammad Megalomaniac?

In Episode 12 of Islamophobia series, Fadel Soliman refutes the misconception that Prophet Muha ...

Islamophobia (11): Discrimination Against Women

Islamophobia (11): Discrimination Against Women

In Episode 11 of Islamophobia series, Fadel Soliman discusses the issue of women in Islam. ...