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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Who’s to Blame: Islam or Muslims?

Who’s to Blame: Islam or Muslims?

If Islam is the best religion, why then are there many bad Muslims? If not their belief, who is ...

Islam: Practice What You Preach

Islam: Practice What You Preach

How are we related to Islam and its true teachings? How can we create harmony between what our ...

Da`wah: Does it Achieve Its Objectives?

Da`wah: Does it Achieve Its Objectives?

Have you ever been engaged in discussions about Islam with a sea of misconceptions here and the ...

Behind Atonement and Salvation

Behind Atonement and Salvation

Where did the Christian concepts of atonement and salvation come from? What does it tell about ...

Da`wah in 2014 FIFA World Cup

Da`wah in 2014 FIFA World Cup

During the world football tournament and to millions of visitors from all over the world Islam ...

Touchy Situations in Da`wah

Touchy Situations in Da`wah

Does sticking to your religious teachings mean you have to be rigid with others? How can I conv ...

The Hereafter: A Logical or a Blind Belief?

The Hereafter: A Logical or a Blind Belief?

How could you prove there’s a hereafter and be sure of it, and please tell me about something l ...

Students of Knowledge and Controversy

Students of Knowledge and Controversy

With a great variety of opinions and vast amount of disagreement that exists on most Islamic le ...

We Are Here for a Purpose

We Are Here for a Purpose

As long as we know why we were created and be aware of it, we will naturally get involved in da ...

Da`wah: Repelling Evil with Good

Da`wah: Repelling Evil with Good

To believe in the Oneness of God, be on His path, act on His orders and invite people to Him… t ...

How to Be an Effective Da`i

How to Be an Effective Da`i

To be aware of your own shortcomings and weak areas and striving to work on them, and respect o ...