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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Nouman Ali Khan: What Is the Very Word of Da`wah Mean?

Nouman Ali Khan: What Is the Very Word of Da`wah Mean?

Nouman Ali Khan: what is da`wah? What does the very word literally mean? Not about arguments, p ...

Who Do Muslims Worship: God or Allah?

Who Do Muslims Worship: God or Allah?

Do Muslims worship God or Allah? Isn’t Allah the God of Muslims? How could we differentiate bet ...

How Can Muslims Stand Up for the Call to the Truth? (5/5)

How Can Muslims Stand Up for the Call to the Truth? (5/5)

How Can Muslims Stand Up for the Call to the Truth? Yes, we are Muslim, and sure we love Islam, ...

Why Does Islam Prohibit Drinking Alcohol?

Why Does Islam Prohibit Drinking Alcohol?

Is Islam the only religion that prohibits alcohol? What do other scriptures say about that? And ...

The Muslim’s Moral Conduct: Lessons from the Sunnah

The Muslim’s Moral Conduct: Lessons from the Sunnah

Prophet Muhammad is the exemplary and the prime model of moral conduct for all Muslims to follo ...

Prophet Abraham: Two Examples of Da`wah (Part 1)

Prophet Abraham: Two Examples of Da`wah (Part 1)

The difference between Prophet Abraham’s da`wah to his father and that to his people is not in ...

Man’s Quest for God: Between Reason and Heart

Man’s Quest for God: Between Reason and Heart

In the heart and consciousness of each individual there exists an essential and profound intuit ...

Da`wah: Share Your Beliefs with Others

Da`wah: Share Your Beliefs with Others

There’re many good things about Islam, its teachings and practices, but do others truly know ab ...

Why Are Non-Muslims Not Allowed in Makkah and Madinah?

Why Are Non-Muslims Not Allowed in Makkah and Madinah?

If Islam is a universal religion, then why aren’t non-Muslims allowed to enter the cities of Ma ...

How to Prepare Yourself for Da`wah

How to Prepare Yourself for Da`wah

Once a Muslim is assured of his or her qualifications and readiness to engage in da`wah, the ne ...

Do Muslims Believe in Jesus?

Do Muslims Believe in Jesus?

If Jesus is the same Prophet in both Christianity and Islam, why then don’t we, Muslims, believ ...

Jesus: The Islamic View

Jesus: The Islamic View

The Islamic view of Jesus is one between two extremes. How do Muslims see Jesus? How was he bor ...

Da`wah: From Each According to His Ability (4/5)

Da`wah: From Each According to His Ability (4/5)

But if I have limited knowledge of Islam, should I choose people at the same level? Or should I ...

iERA Da`wah Training Course: Convey the Call & Take Care of New Muslims

iERA Da`wah Training Course: Convey the Call & Take Care of New Muslims

Learn how to convey the call of Islam and take care of new Muslims with Hamza Tzortzis this Chr ...

The Style of Conversation: Its Effect on the Power of Speaking

The Style of Conversation: Its Effect on the Power of Speaking

Have you ever come into contact with someone who kept pushing something at you or who didn’t se ...