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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

Challenges in Da`wah

Originally posted 2012-11-06 07:17:46.

The challenges in conveying the message of Islam to non-Muslims (and non-believers) are complex. In this day and age, there is and has always been a lack of information with regard to the correct knowledge of Islam in the West, and North America in particular. These challenges are marred by mis-information and dis-information about Islam and Muslims. There are many reasons why this is so: some political, some economic, some religious and so-forth.

The Muslim population in the West has increased in the last 30 years, to the extent that Muslims have become the second largest religious group in the United States. Accordingly, it is a challenge for Muslims to live up to their responsibility in correcting the current worldwide knowledge (mis-information and dis-information) concerning Islam.


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