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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

ABC`s of Da`wah

Changing the World Through Da`wah

Changing the World Through Da`wah

The misfortunes occurring to the Muslims is simply due to the fact that Muslims are moving away from the true teachings of Islam, as taught by Muhammad (peace be upon him). The world will be a better place if Islam is revived back into the Muslims' lives and ultimately, spread to the rest of the world. ...


Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait: The Legend Philanthropist

Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait: The Legend Philanthropist

Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait is the proof that once there were true giants on earth in our time. What do you know about that man? Why does he have such status? ...

Comparative Religion

Behind Atonement and Salvation

Behind Atonement and Salvation

Where did the Christian concepts of atonement and salvation come from? What does it tell about the pagan heritage? What did Jesus explicitly state about that? What does the Qur’an say about this? ...


Islam and the Chain of Prophethood

Islam and the Chain of Prophethood

Why did God send His prophets at all? Why didn't He send one prophet to all humankind? Why should anyone believe that all of them came with the same message? Is Islam originally the religion of Muslims? ...

Skills & Tools

How To Record Islamic Talks (Part 1)

How To Record Islamic Talks (Part 1)

Recording live Islamic khutbahs is pretty common today and has been easy, but how do you get a great sound quality? So, what do I need to get a high quality long-time sound recording? Learn here… ...

How to Upload Files to Rapidshare

How to Upload Files to Rapidshare

Have you heard about online file sharing? Did you visit Rapidshare before? ...

How to Grow a Successful YouTube Channel

How to Grow a Successful YouTube Channel

How can I get more views/comments/subscribers? ...

Effective Study Habits, Achievable Success

Effective Study Habits, Achievable Success

I’m pretty aware that I should study but I just don't feel like it! Do you feel overwhelmed with your course load? How do you study, mange your courses and exam stress? ...

How to Add a Floating Social Media Share Bar in WordPress

How to Add a Floating Social Media Share Bar in WordPress

Step by step guide on how to add a floating horizontal social share bar in WordPress by using the floating social bar plugin. ...