The Islamic Education & Research Academy (iERA) is holding an international da`wah day entitled “What’s Your Goal”.
Global Da`wah Day is the first international da`wah initiative with 91 cities taking part worldwide.
The aim of the event which takes place on Saturday 5th July is to encourage Muslims to engage with their local communities in order to explain and present Islam in the month of Ramadan.
Head of Communications at iERA, Saleem Chagtai said: “The aim of the event is to encourage Muslims to engage with their local communities in order to explain and present the beautiful religion of Allah (swt) in the blessed month of Ramadan.”
London will be the centre of the campaign where hundreds of Muslims will spend time in key locations, sharing the message of Islam.
Research shows that 76% of the British public have never spoken to a Muslim about Islam.
Mr Chagtai added that “This is a unique opportunity for Muslims to change the narrative and negative perceptions about Islam and Muslims.
The emphasis is not only going to be about getting shahadahs (Testimonies of Faith), but to strike warm and meaningful conversations with a view to building long-term relationships between Muslims and non-Muslims.”
For the first time ever, be part of a single, global da`wah day that will be taking places across six continents at the same time!
Don’t miss this opportunity to share the message of Islam with those closest to you during the blessed month of Ramadan!
Learn more about the campaign here.
Here’s the Mission Dawah movement page on Facebook
The Campaign on Twitter:
Electronic Da`wah Committee (EDC)
Mission Da`wah activities Worldwide
- India
- India
- london
- Maldives
- Mumbai
- New Delhi, India
- Nigeria
- Nigeria
- Malaysia
- Thailand
- India